Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sonnets/ Writing down the bones

   This weeks reading have been very interesting to me. The fact that we started off with poetry is really exciting to me because I love reading and writing poetry. So far reading through these poems I have found a few more that I really liked and would like to discus in this blog today. So last class in our groups we talked about the sonnets and the one sonnet that stood out the most had to be XV. when I first read this sonnet i was really confused at how and what was going on in the sonnet. I didn't know at all how i was supposed to be getting out of this because of how all over the place the blog was. After i read it about three times the group decided to talk about it and how they had discussed in a class last week that i had missed that it was to be read a certain way. The after i actually read it the way it was supposed to be read it made way more since to me and i actually like the concept of how it challenges the reader to think outside the box with reading. This makes me want to develop a way of writing that may confuse people at first but then eventually they understand what I was trying to get through in the end. the creativity that was used really impressed me because I'm so used to poems being written the correct way. 
      The next poem  that my group discussed that we also discussed at the end of class Monday was the LIII sonnet. This had to be my favorite to read. The way he compared the poem to a women and sex was really impressive. Also that he hinted the whole time about sex then at then end came out and said "Fucking is so lovely Who can say no to it later?" really threw me all the way off. Like how up front and honest  he was about it really just had me dumb founded. This made me really think more about how sensual poems can be and make you think alot more about certain things.
    lastly the writing down the bones chapter that i read and talked about in class about ornigal details made me remember how i used to really be focused on writing and trying to come up with details. when  if i just concentrate and do the regular details i would be perfectly fine. when i write now it will help me alot more if i just focus on how things really are instead of trying to  boast or fine out more details about something

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